What Is Hypoglycemia? | Signs and Cause of Hypoglycemia
To answer the question “What is Hypoglycemia”, it’s very important to tackle it from the root. Simply put, hypoglycemia is a condition of having low levels of glucose or blood sugar in the body system, often called low blood sugar. It’s important to state here that hypoglycemia is never a disease in itself. It’s only a major sign of a health problem in the human body.
Actually, glucose is the major source of energy in the human body. One needs that in a very considerable level in order to remain strong and active. When this glucose or blood sugar is very low, you’re said to be suffering from hypoglycemia. Oftentimes, many people don’t when their blood sugar is becoming low. Some who do know may not even know what to do to help the situation.
If you’re still confused about the question “what is hypoglycemia” you can get some clues by looking at the symptoms. There are basic signs or symptoms you need to watch out for in your body system in order to discover you have hypoglycemia.
There are the early signs you need to check out for especially when the condition is still very mild. You can easily experience hunger from time to time. You may also have tremor which can make you to shake or tremble from time to time. Profuse sweating is also a mild sign of hypoglycemia. You can easily have anxiety from time to time. You may be highly irritable and depressed when you have the condition.
Other mild symptoms of hypoglycemia includes paleness of the face, tingling lips, accelerated heart beat and heart palpitations. When you begin to notice these symptoms already mentioned above, you have to know that hypoglycemia is around the corner.
Again, you may have mild brain fag when you’re suffering from hypoglycemia. This is because; your brain needs a steady supply of glucose to function maximally. The human brain does not manufacture nor store glucose. It has to be supplied from the body. When this glucose is lacking or if its level is very low, the brain will be adversely affected.
Meanwhile, there are other symptoms or signs you’ll have when hypoglycemia becomes very severe in your system. You can have difficulty in concentrating. You will appear very confused all the time. In most cases, you’ll be irrational. You’ll find it difficult to think or take decisions. Your behavior may even be disorderly as if you’re drunk. From time to time, you’ll experience seizures. You may even lose consciousness if the condition continues unabated.
Meanwhile, in order to have clear answer to the question “what is hypoglycemia”, you need to know more about the possible causes. The condition can actually occur for a number of reasons. In most cases, it occurs if you’re diabetic especially when you have taken too much of the insulin hormone. Ordinarily, blood sugar regulation ought to be a very smooth process if everything is in place. The digestive system normally breaks down the carbohydrate from the food you eat into different sugar molecules. One of these molecules is known as glucose. It’s actually the main source of energy for the body. The glucose has to go directly into the bloodstream after it’s processed from the food you eat.
In order to make glucose viable, the insulin hormone produced and excreted by the pancreas has to come into play. The insulin will work on the glucose in order to ensure it is properly distributed all over the body. Every cell of the body requires the energy of the glucose to function. Hence, when this glucose is very low, lots of body processes can be hampered. Many cells will become less effective. Some of them may even die in the process without replacement. If you have a very low supply of glucose, you’ll be said to be suffering from hypoglycemia.
Meanwhile, hypoglycemia is treatable. If you’re having some of the symptoms discussed above, all you need is to go for proper blood test. You don’t wait for the condition to become very bad before you see your doctor. There’s always a medical approach normally used in arresting the situation. After proper test and diagnosis, your doctor will give you the required therapy and medications that can help you be free from the condition. People who has hypoglycemia must get proper hypogylcemia treatment.
In any case, hypoglycemia can be prevented from occurring in the first instance. You don’t need to have the problem before you learn how to prevent it from occurring. In order to prevent hypoglycemia, you have to make sure you have adequate supply of glucose all the time. Do well to avoid smoking, drug abuse and every other ugly habit that can hamper the supply of glucose. If at all you begin to experience signs of hypoglycemia, do well to visit your doctor for proper medical attention.